
Ilom and the safe third country agreement

We need serious discussion on initiatives that tackle the historical and structural inequalities in Guatemala which have caused centuries of territorial dispossession, particularly for indigenous communities.
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Ilom and the safe third country agreement

04 de Agosto de 2019

I had just arrived to Ilom, Chajul, when I heard the news that the Minister of the Interior had just signed a secret and illegal agreement with the Trump administration to turn Guatemala into a safe third country.

I felt disoriented. I was just speaking with someone from Ilom who was telling me how many women and children had migrated within the past year, how others were recently deported and how many still planned to go. Nowhere will you see so many injustices as in the Ixil Region, which proves that Guatemala is not capable or qualified to be a safe third country.

It’s a three-hour bus trip on a muddy and bumpy dirt road from the town center of Chajul to Ilom. Pretty soon after halfway, you s...


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